
News Stories

The House is Open for Business

Our Curriculum Evening/ Open House was a very rewarding, smooth and engaging opportunity for staff and parents to connect. We were thrilled to see the number of community friends and partners who came to familiarize themselves with this year’s curriculum and staff. We are also very grateful for the many food donations submitted as part of our Thanksgiving food drive. It’s going to be a ... Continue reading "The House is Open for Business"

Terry Lives Here!

Our annual Terry Fox School Run has revealed itself once again to be a resounding success! The school community responded to the call for participation in a most amazing manner. Students, staff and members of our extended school community as well as many of our partners shared as we walked, skipped, jumped, hopped and ran for this most worthy cause. We have just received confirmation ... Continue reading "Terry Lives Here!"

Shrove Tuesday

Our Catholic School Council prepared an endless bounty of pancakes for our school community and carried forth the wonderful tradition of Shrove Tuesday/ Mardi Gras/ Fat Tuesday ahead of our Lenten observance. The CSC arrived in full force beginning at 7:00 AM and carried forward their commitment until just before 10:00 AM when the entire school had been served. Needless to say, there were no ... Continue reading "Shrove Tuesday"

Spartan Effort Leads to Success

The San Lorenzo Ruiz Spartan Boys Intermediate Basketball Team participated in the annual St. Brother Andre Invitational and through persistent effort, tenacious play, and consistency of tactics emerged as the eventual victors. The tournament consisted of five teams from the local area of schools. The boys played a total of 4 games earning a record of 3 wins and one close loss. The boys demonstrated ... Continue reading "Spartan Effort Leads to Success"

Register Now and Join the Spartan Experience

We are Spartans…United we Stand! The rallying cry calls out every morning to welcome our students and staff into our school community indicating our readiness to begin. Since January, active registration has continued, and we are happy to see all of the new faces who will be joining us in September. We would like to invite everyone who is of school age to consider joining ... Continue reading "Register Now and Join the Spartan Experience"