
News Stories

Carnaval: Spartan Style

Carnaval has been a wonderful success at SLR. From the theme days, to the friendly competitions and playful games, the week has been a hub of activity with maximum participation. Carnaval week is organized through our French as a Second Language Department and is inclusive of all our students. Thanks to our French team and staff for creating an atmosphere at the school which celebrates ... Continue reading "Carnaval: Spartan Style"

Engaged in the Spartan Experience: Clubs, Teams and More

Our co-curricular programs are booming at SLR. The Spartan Experience has provided many opportunities for our students to engage in activities as varied as basketball, Cricut club/ Sewing club, Choir, STREAM, Luke 4:18 Social Justice, Chess Club, Rosary Club, Dance Club, Badminton/ Basketball Academy, and Scrabble Club. The amazing talents of our staff and their willingness to provide expertise in these areas is much appreciated. ... Continue reading "Engaged in the Spartan Experience: Clubs, Teams and More"

Terry Fox Run/ Walk at San Lorenzo Ruiz

Terry Fox was, and remains, a true champion. His courage, determination, and dream that one day, a cure for cancer could be found, resonates powerfully through the Marathon of Hope. This is the 42nd year of the Terry Fox Run/ Walk and San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Elementary School is proud to be participating in this year’s Terry Fox School Run. Let’s get ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Run/ Walk at San Lorenzo Ruiz"

Open House at San Lorenzo Ruiz CES

Mark the date on your calendar…Wednesday, September 21, 2022 is the date set for our Open House. We are extending an invitation to all of our parents/ guardians to come to the school, meet with their children’s teachers and familiarize themselves with the daily routine of the school and to be active partners in their children’s learning. We have not had the opportunity to engage ... Continue reading "Open House at San Lorenzo Ruiz CES"